Saturday, June 9, 2012

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After leaving the hospital after the car he wanted to go to school beating the situation, but feel that the Mayor give the king a call that,cheap basketball jerseys, after all, Li Jianhua, is the nephew of the king of the mayor's lover, then pick up the phone dial the phone, who knows the phone but refused to pick up.
Chu Tian Xiang Mayor Wang's phone call after the call is connected, came the king of the mayor's voice: Chu Tianxiang This He said Li Jianhua things, but then I can not say that, if do not know Jianhua and Huang Xiaojuan relationship you! If we know that this special relationship, he also briefed the Jianhua start,cheap basketball jerseys, not to the face of Huang Xiaojuan also equal to not give the king of the mayor's face, squinting his eyes and said: Chu Tian Xiang has not yet had time to speak, the phone has hung up the old Chu feel that the tone of voice of Mayor Wang indifference, it is estimated that know Jianhua things, he knew the king of the mayor's IQ is very keen, will give Ning fight telephone and asked what Ning is not the night to ask him to dinner, the old Chu quickly dialed a phone call to the Ning.
Phone to get through, and not busy, the old Chu secretly relieved.
Chu Tian Xiang secretly sigh of relief and said: him to dinner on the line, and other needless to say, I now come to the school to pick you up right, for worse, the school did not anything special! Chu Tianxiang pondered for a moment and said: Old Chu how do you? You are not met what? to.
Things are going well, you wait for me to meet chat! Started the car, quickly rush to the school, but he still feel a little wrong, the car against the roadside, divination about good and bad, then the cell phone to text message, open look, is Li Mei sent to his message: No matter where are you now, do not back

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